Understanding where you come from is very important. Knowing your family history is both interesting and helpful! You may find out a certain medical situation runs in the fam, or you may discover you’re related to someone pretty cool!
You don’t have to subscribe to anything… it can be pretty simple. Just start with mom and dad…then grandpa and grandma…and so on! You can do your own research by calling family members and taking down notes.
If you do get stuck in a dead end, you CAN subscribe to an online source to find out more.
This is a perfect opportunity to reconnect with family members you may have lost contact with by calling them and finding new information.
CLICK HERE for a free template of a tree you can use. There are others online.
Another idea is finding out where family members are buried and visiting cemeteries. It sounds morbid, but it can be a beautiful thing as well.
Good luck and have fun!