I spent a couple days in Memphis this last weekend visiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital with a few hundred other ‘radio people’ as we call ourselves. We were all reminded, several times, that our voices could save the life of a child. I believe there were people there from about 200 radio stations, some were rock stations and some were Top 40 stations, but the majority were from country stations because, well, it was for Country Cares Radiothon seminar.
They type of music we all play isn’t the important part of this however, honestly, it doesn’t matter in the slightest. What matters is there were 200-300 people in this industry that want to learn whatever they can for their voice to be heard when we all do our radiothons. The goal of course is, YOU the listener hear WE the people one the radio talk about St. Jude Children’s Hospital, and they YOU the listener call in and become a Partner In Hope. The more Partners In Hope we get, the more money for the researchers and Doctors at St. Jude have available for research and all the Doctor stuff.
I wish you all could have been down there while I was there so you could hear the talks from the Doctors, the Researchers, the families and patients…shoot, even people who do other things there would love to tell you their story about the importance of the hospital. Coming up on February 6th and 7th, I am going to do my best to have my voice heard, and share some of the stories I cried to this past weekend. Whether it’s my voice, John & Jaymie’s voice, Stech or even yours, it’s important to remember we all can help save lives. Together. Always remember and never forget…Your Voice Saves Lives